Become a New Man!

Learn to unlearn. Live with heart, make money with mind. Live in the moment. Love, laugh, play. Awaken the child within you…

I am writing this post in a coffee shop of Ahmedabad. The morning of the first day of the week could not have been better than this. Away from the sounds, alone rejoicing, and sipping the coffee with the shape of a heart. It is going to be a long post. Please be patient if you are interested in reading the new way of life which consists of deep insights of living practically and with heart. It is deeply inspired by the book, “The book of Man” by Osho. I have tried to highlight and format with colours to keep it interesting. So here it goes, read this post as a child, with your inner being, forgetting what you have learned. 

The man here is not the masculine or feminine one. It is both, everyone is a man and a woman because we have originated from both of our parents. From what we have been conditioned, men and women are never friends. They are polar opposites. It’s all the dormant qualities in us, which we see in the opposite sex that we start liking each other.

Always a man to a woman relationship is very different, there are disagreements, there is its own beauty in it because the thought process is opposite. Naturally, women are intuitive and men run behind the facts. Women are more loving and superior. Because of a man’s feminine part he starts valuing a woman and not see her as a competition and a woman’s masculine part makes her thrive hard to be independent and not depend on anyone else.

The duality is the part of nature. We need to accept it and not be ashamed of anything about it. Nature has made us this way that a man cannot be a man for 24 hours a day and vice versa. It is the society which has taught us the wrong way of being only what we are physical. It also creates humongous hindrances in the relationships. Only the circumference meet. Not the inner being of opposite sexes and there arises the conflict. You are doomed before even knowing how. Boom!

Why in this society, men are not allowed to cry? If we were not supposed to cry, we would not be having tears glands, if we were not supposed to mate, we would not be sexual beings.

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